The Pele Ring

How to wear?

According to Dee, the Pele Ring is traditionally worn on the right-hand index finger. Yet, many people have found it beneficial to wear it on any finger of their dominant hand (especially for energy workers, consider the dominant hand in your energy work).

The Prayer of The Ring

Before engaging in any magickal practice or using the ring, I recite two brief prayers which I learned from Lon Milo DuQuette (occultist). The initial prayer is one that John Dee frequently used during his magickal pursuits. The second prayer was created by Lon Milo using the words spoken by the archangel Michael to Dee and Kelley on March 14, 1582.

Step 1: Get settled.
Step 2: Recite the first prayer below:

Teach me (O creator of all things) to have correct knowledge and understanding, for your wisdom is all that I desire.
Speak your word in my ear (O creator of all things) and set your wisdom in my heart.

Step 3: Hold the ring in your hands.
Step 4: Recite the second prayer below:

Behold the Ring. Lo, this it is.
This is it, wherewith all miracles, and divine works and wonders were wrought by Solomon: this is it, which the Archangel Michael has revealed to me.
This is it, which Philosophy dreameth of.
This is it, which the Angels scarce know.
This is it, and blessed be his name: yea, his Name be blessed forever.
Without this I shall do nothing.
Blessed be his name, that encompasses all things: Wonders are in him, and his name is WONDERFUL: PELE.
His Name works wonders from generation to generation. Amen.

Step 5: Wear the Pele Ring.

Well… There can also be a time that we can’t do all that especially when you are using fast-paced magick like having an Initiation or Attunements. So here’s a bit of a shortcut I fashioned.

Step 1: Hold The Pele ring in your hand and settle your focus on the ring.
Step 2: Say the following, you can absolutely re-phrase this depending on what feels good to your senses.

“Oh mighty Pele Ring, allow me to do wonders!”

You can repeat this if you feel like the intention is not powerful, but it will also work if chanted once as long as you are fully focused on your intention.
Step 3: Wear the ring.
Don’t discount this shortcut, as always, magick can also be simple and yet effective.

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