Please know that this is an attunement and the manual will only contain necessary information for you to successfully use your attunement with it.
Solomonic Pentacles remain popular in the occult community and that fame has never faded. This series of attunements delves into the Pentacles of Solomon creating a powerful attunement. It is important to note that this attunement is inspired by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers’ work. I also have added empowerments to this attunement, Solomon’s energy for his magickal expertise in handling his own pentacles and five Kabbalistic Words of Power to enhance the magick. This attunement eliminates the need for ceremonial rituals or memorization of the Kabbalistic Words of Power, once you are attuned, all you have to do is simply speak the name of the attunement to activate the energy.
The Second Pentacle of Venus, as Mathers wrote , his second of Venus, is used for “obtaining grace and honor, and for all things which belong unto Venus, and for accomplishing all thy desires herein.” The verse inscribed on this pentacle is from Song of Songs 8:6. When interpreted as the love story of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, these are her words to him: “Set me a seal on your heart and on your arm, for as strong as Death is Love.” Thus, some call it the Seal of Sheba. The fifth word is commonly interpreted as "on your arm," specifically indicating the bicep or shoulder, prompting some to ink it on their left bicep. Furthermore, the root word signifies "to sow seed" and "to fructify" in agricultural and sexual contexts alike. The name around the pentagram is Yonael, derived from Yonah-El meaning Dove of El. Doves symbolize Venus and are known for their navigation skills. Throughout history, they served as messengers and peacemakers for kings, including Solomon. To read the name in the points of the pentagram, start at the bottom right and go clockwise to get "Aimel," a close cognate of the Arabic name "Aimal" meaning "hoped for." The innermost name, starting at the top right and going counterclockwise, gives "Ahavia," a variant of the god-name "Ahavah" meaning "Love" in English.
You can utilize this attunement to enhance your beauty, desirability, regal presence, political acumen, and charisma akin to the Queen of Sheba. Make someone love you (any type of love), rekindle love that has gotten cold, attract an ideal lover and relationship, and induce a mind-blowing orgasm between lovers. I also found it to invoke peace and harmony among group of people.
This attunement was developed by Ana Lavín.
Why Our Attunement is Affordable
We offer an affordable attunement since we will not teach you in live or in real-team. Instead, you will learn through a Manual in the form of a PDF that will serve as your guide. Upon confirmation of payment, you can download the file immediately. The Manual includes a discussion of your chosen spirit’s capabilities and the best techniques to use. Keep in mind that the manual serves as a starting point and not a limit to what you can do with it. We encourage you to be imaginative and experiment with the energy. If you have any questions about the attunement, we have an exclusive Facebook group: Illuminae Round Table that can offer support. Additionally, the energy and its powers are dynamic, and each individual’s experience will be different.
How to Receive Your Attunement
In your Order Confirmation Email, you can select either booking an appointment for Remote Initiation or receiving it via Chi balls.
- Remote Attunement: The attunement process is remote, eliminating the need for in-person or virtual meetings. Home address isn’t required. Three attunement levels (1, 2, 3) can be received individually or in one appointment.
- Chi Balls: If you cannot find a suitable time slot on the calendar, you can opt for initiation through Chi Balls. Three Energy balls will be sent within 3 business days, and you can activate them at your preferred time. Chi Balls are invisible energy spheres with no expiration date, allowing activation immediately or later.
Anonymous (Verified Client) –
go for the gold! gold digger emz!
Anonymous (Verified Client) –
more power and beauty to us. this attunement is really good if mababa yung self confidence mo it can boost your self esteem.