This attunement links you with the omnipresent Kabbalistic Angel, revered for his resourcefulness and as a channel of universal blessings. He acts as a supportive force, bestowing blessings upon individuals, situations, objects, ventures, and organizations. It is believed that he oversees the office of blessings in the higher divine realms. You can call upon him for various types of blessings. He operates both independently and alongside the angels of the YHVH of Divinity and Merkavah, specially Metatron, bringing wealth, elevation, expansion, and abundance to any situation you wish to bless. This angel is particularly special in that you can invoke him to bless yourself, your potential, and your purpose, serving as a catalyst to manifest and enrich every aspect of your life and abilities. He embodies a spirit of purity and limitless generosity, showering blessings upon those who reach out to him with unwavering kindness. Some sources suggest that this angel is associated with the Gratitude Magick Attunement, allowing you to harness his energy in conjunction with this attunement.
In addition to blessings, my experience with this energy has shown that this angel can enhance and amplify your intuition, synchronicity, and signs, as well as heighten your perception of everything around you, both physical and spiritual.
This attunement was developed by Ana Lavín.
Why Our Attunement is Affordable
We offer an affordable attunement since we will not teach you in live or in real-team. Instead, you will learn through a Manual in the form of a PDF that will serve as your guide. Upon confirmation of payment, you can download the file immediately. The Manual includes a discussion of your chosen spirit’s capabilities and the best techniques to use. Keep in mind that the manual serves as a starting point and not a limit to what you can do with it. We encourage you to be imaginative and experiment with the energy. If you have any questions about the attunement, we have an exclusive Facebook group: Illuminae Round Table that can offer support. Additionally, the energy and its powers are dynamic, and each individual’s experience will be different.
How to Receive Your Attunement
In your Order Confirmation Email, you can select either booking an appointment for Remote Initiation or receiving it via Chi balls.
- Remote Attunement: The attunement process is remote, eliminating the need for in-person or virtual meetings. Home address isn’t required. Three attunement levels (1, 2, 3) can be received individually or in one appointment.
- Chi Balls: If you cannot find a suitable time slot on the calendar, you can opt for initiation through Chi Balls. Three Energy balls will be sent within 3 business days, and you can activate them at your preferred time. Chi Balls are invisible energy spheres with no expiration date, allowing activation immediately or later.
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