Please be aware that this page is regularly updated based on demand…

Please review the name of your Illuminae Products below for any extra ritual instructions.
If you don’t see one, that just means the amulet you bought doesn’t need any rituals.

Table of Contents

Jewelry Care

Illuminae Products (jewelry) are crafted from non-precious metals. Therefore, we recommend taking good care of it to ensure its longevity. Please see Illuminae Jewelry Care Instructions below.


Pele Ring

How to wear?

According to Dee, the Pele Ring is traditionally worn on the right-hand index finger. Yet, many people have found it beneficial to wear it on any finger of their dominant hand (especially for energy workers, consider the dominant hand in your energy work).

The Prayer of The Ring

Before engaging in any magickal practice or using the ring, I recite two brief prayers which I learned from Lon Milo DuQuette (occultist). The initial prayer is one that John Dee frequently used during his magickal pursuits. The second prayer was created by Lon Milo using the words spoken by the archangel Michael to Dee and Kelley on March 14, 1582.

Step 1: Get settled.
Step 2: Recite the first prayer below:

Teach me (O creator of all things) to have correct knowledge and understanding, for your wisdom is all that I desire.
Speak your word in my ear (O creator of all things) and set your wisdom in my heart.

Step 3: Hold the ring in your hands.
Step 4: Recite the second prayer below:

Behold the Ring. Lo, this it is.
This is it, wherewith all miracles, and divine works and wonders were wrought by Solomon: this is it, which the Archangel Michael has revealed to me.
This is it, which Philosophy dreameth of.
This is it, which the Angels scarce know.
This is it, and blessed be his name: yea, his Name be blessed forever.
Without this I shall do nothing.
Blessed be his name, that encompasses all things: Wonders are in him, and his name is WONDERFUL: PELE.
His Name works wonders from generation to generation. Amen.

Step 5: Wear the Pele Ring.

Well… There can also be a time that we can’t do all that especially when you are using fast-paced magick like having an Initiation or Attunements. So here’s a bit of a shortcut I fashioned.

Step 1: Hold The Pele ring in your hand and settle your focus on the ring.
Step 2: Say the following, you can absolutely re-phrase this depending on what feels good to your senses.

“Oh mighty Pele Ring, allow me to do wonders!”

You can repeat this if you feel like the intention is not powerful, but it will also work if chanted once as long as you are fully focused on your intention.
Step 3: Wear the ring.
Don’t discount this shortcut, as always, magick can also be simple and yet effective.

Seal of the Seven Archangels Ring

More in-depth powers and capabilities of the Seven Archangels and Seven Olympic Spirits of the Seal.

Seven Archangels of the Seal:

  • Michael
    – Bring protection from physical and supernatural threats, whether intentional or accidental.
    – Shield you against people, spirits, spells, attacks, and negative intentions directed at you
    – Purify energy to eliminate curses
    – Prevent gossip from spreading
    – Restrain bullies and individuals seeking to cause you harm
    – Quiet and weaken those who oppose you
    – Boost your self-assurance and instill bravery, strengthen your faith, and resilience in all areas
    – Push through challenging situations
    – Discover your true purpose and embark on a fresh beginning
    – Get spiritual and physical guidance
    – Become victorious in all confrontations
    – Bring in wise and compassionate decision-making
  • Gabriel
    – Gain insight into how (any) relationship will develop
    – Assist you in understanding others’ feelings towards you
    – Enhance both your physical and spiritual awareness
    – Bring in mental clarity and break old thought patterns
    – Support fertility (in women)
    – Guide you in self-discovery during moments of confusion or despair
    – Bring in logical, focused thinking, and wise decision-making during challenges
    – Set boundaries with those who do not respect personal space
    – Bring in discipline, perseverance, determination, and personal resilience
    – Boost your communication skills, including in the spiritual realm
    – Correct your mistakes
    – Find direction, whether physically or metaphorically
    – Help you in legal matters
    – Overcome procrastination
  • Tzaphkiel
    – Maintain your emotional boundaries with people and situations
    – Convey your message effectively even to unwilling listeners
    – Become articulate and eloquent in both spoken and written forms
    – Bring in inner peace and serenity amid external or internal turmoil
    – Boost your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding
    – Make wise and prompt decisions.
    – Accelerate your personal growth, and overcome your limitations
  • Tzadkiel
    – Help you through hardship and exhaustion
    – Recover from being sick
    – Improve your memory and knowledge retention
    – Help free you from whatever is oppressing you or making you suffer (whether it’s a person or a situation like debts etc.)
    – Heal memories that bring you pain
    – Bring in understanding and discernment both the present and what will come in the future
    – Acquire abundance, luck, prosperity, good cash flow
    – Grow your business
    – Acquire luck in gambling
    – Become victorious in legal affairs
    – Bring in benevolence and mercy to you, and help you manifest it around you
  • Samael
    – Bring protection to individuals risking their lives and those upholding the law, like police officers and firefighters
    – Bring divine justice for the innocent
    – Battle on behalf of you in physical and spiritual battles, bringing victory
    – Punish your enemies who are driven by ego, greed, and injustice, causing pain and suffering
    – Help men in matters of masculinity
    – Help you battle with illnesses and diseases
    – Help you manage your anger, vengeance, and hatred
    – Instill peace during times of chaos and pain
    – Gain solutions, guidance, and help with various problems
    – Boost strength, willpower, and bravery in all sense
    – Beat procrastination
    – Achieve success in all your endeavors
    – Provide you insights with divine laws (not man-made laws)
  • Raphael
    – Bring healing and ensure successful surgical procedures, along with all things related to medicine
    – Assists in locating the most suitable doctor for treating an illness or a disease
    – Promotes healing and rejuvenation in the physical body (yourself or others)
    – Boosts medical treatments for improved efficacy while minimizing side effects
    – Aids in healing and bringing peace to the body in cases where painful memories cause physical pain and discomfort
    – Reduces feelings of anger and animosity in yourself, or your enemies
    – Relief from stress and manage your stress effectively
    – Boost your knowledge, comprehension, creativity, and innovation in the realms of science and medicine
    – Enhance your awareness to perceive interconnectedness in everything, providing relief from various forms of suffering
    – Bring in truth and wisdom
    – Guide you and make you safe during travel
  • Haniel
    – Understand spiritual and magickal concepts more easily
    – Assist you in interpreting and channeling spiritual energies
    – Tap into your feminine energy and help you with your menstrual cycles. She can also reveal underlying issues or conditions. (spiritual or physical)
    – Make yourself more loveable
    – Bring/manifest joy, love, and passion to your life or others
    – Boost your intimate life
    – Bring in opportunities (any kind)
    – Strengthen your intuition
    – Resolve stagnant or stuck situations and break negative patterns and habits
    – Overcome heartbreak and loss

Seven Olympic Spirits of the Seal (Intelligence of the 7 planets):

  • Och (Sun)
    – Teach you medicine and healing
    – Heal and give you a long life
    – Increase wisdom
    – Explore and discover your true desires
    – Ignite creativity
    – Generate new and innovative business ideas
    – Boost Reputation
    – Enable you to work peacefully and increase your focus
    – Make something or someone valuable (for you to sell or gain riches from such as things, skills, talents)
    – Give you financial insights
    – Acquire riches
    – Give you familiars that belong to the Fire element (with daily practice)
  • Phul (Moon)
    – Boost your magickal prowess
    – Improve your intuition
    – Slow down the passage of time
    – Make someone dream about you
    – Reduce anxiety and fear
    – Create sexual attraction
    – Healing
    – Increase vitality and have a long life
    – Give you familiars that belong to the water element (with daily practice)
  • Phaleg (Mars)
    – Give you honor and victory even in areas of competition
    – Fight diseases with determination
    – Instill fear in your enemies
    – Thwart the efforts of those who oppose you
    – Respond to attacks with cleverness
    – Exude a calming authority to attract others
    – Weaken the competition
    – Give you familiars that belong to the Fire element (with daily practice)
  • Ophiel (Mercury)
    – Boost your artistic expression, teach you all kinds of arts
    – Enhance your trading abilities
    – Alleviate mental distress
    – Improve communication skills
    – Expand your reach and go viral
    – Speak with clarity
    – Become silver-tongued or eloquent
    – Give you familiars that belong to the Air element (with daily practice)
  • Hagith (Venus)
    – Make you more charming, boost your beauty and radiance
    – Enhance your sexual experiences
    – Influence others
    – Attract potential allies
    – Attract new romantic relationship
    – Build friendships
    – Cause romantic couples to split up
    – Make something or someone valuable (make things, talents, or any resources valuable that you can sell and gain riches from) or remove the value of someone or something
    – Give you familiars that belong to the Earth element (with daily practice)
  • Bethor (Jupiter)
    – Appear dignified, respectable, or/and valuable
    – Attract money
    – Give you fame and honor
    – Increase luck even when in times of conflict
    – Increase authority over others
    – Heal yourself
    – Command spirits of the air element
    – Give you familiars that belong to the firmament, which means they can come from any element (with daily practice)
  • Arathron (Saturn)
    – Stop something or someone in action (person/situation/project/idea)
    – Destroy wealth of an enemy
    – Discover hidden sources of money
    – Bring ending to anything
    – Bind or constrict a person
    – Teach you alchemy and magick
    – Prolong your life span
    -Make yourself or something go unnoticed whether you are an anti-social, in times of danger, want to keep your valuable stuff hidden from possible theft, etc
    – Give you powerful familiars who can do anything, which means they can come from any element (with daily practice)

Optional Ritual to Evoke the Spirits Connected to the Ring

The consecrated ring automatically channels the energy and benefits of the spirit’s powers mentioned above. But if you want a more specific approach, you can directly summon and command the spirits. The rings are empowered with ‘The Calls’ revealed upon me by Raziel, enabling this connection safely, This implies that you do not need to establish a circle of protection or perform other rituals before summoning the spirits associated with this ring by following the provided ritual.

Initially, consider your ultimate objective. If you aim to draw in a new romantic relationship, you can call on Hagith or Haniel. For matters of Divine Justice, evoking Samael might be beneficial.

Most occultists discourage repeating rituals, but I find value in reinforcing the magick through repetition. Furthermore, I suggest refraining from conducting rituals for multiple goals within a single day. While there’s nothing inherently harmful in this practice, it may disperse your focus on intentions and diminish the effectiveness of the magick. But hey, I know you’ll probably do it anyway. So here it is:

Step 1: Consider your end goal and look to the list provided above to identify who can assist you. You can choose to evoke one or more spirits connected to the ring to aid you in achieving your goal.
Step 2: Find a peaceful spot to settle, even if it means doing it during the night.
Optional: If you have the Magick Boost attunement, a free self-attunement available in the Featured Post of the Illuminae Round Table FB Group, you can chant the attunement a minimum of 8 times before moving on to Step 3.
Step 3: Focus your gaze on the engravings of the ring for a few moments, ideally for at least 2 minutes. Whether you’re still wearing the ring or holding it in your hands, it’s all the same.
Step 4: You can say this silently or out loud but you have to imagine your voice radiating across the cosmos: “[Call the name of the spirit(s) three times], I conjure thee in the name of AH-RAH-RIH-TAH.” Feeling a presence or not is irrelevant and does not determine the effectiveness of magick. What matters is your belief that the spirit(s) you summoned is listening to you at this moment.
Step 5: Describe the situation where you need assistance, reflect on it, and explore the emotions it evokes within you.
Step 6: Tell your desired outcome to the spirit(s) regarding the situation you seek assistance with and envision how achieving it would impact you emotionally. Avoid micromanaging by specifying how you want things to unfold, as this can reduce the success of the magick. If you asked for money, whether money comes to you through the kindness of others or through employment, what’s important is that you attain the financial resources you need.
Optional: This step is not mandatory, but I’ve incorporated this technique into my practice of Latin Magick and discovered its widespread use across different traditions to enhance magickal workings— Trust and believe that the spirits will act upon your request, considering it as a given, and express genuine gratitude and trust in their support. You can phrase it as “[Name of spirit(s)], I trust that you can do what I asked of you and I thank you for your assistance.”
Step 7: Shift your focus to worldly things to divert your thoughts from questioning whether magick is already in motion or on its way.

Enchanted Sands: Candle of Wishing Wonders

How to do your Candle Ritual

Will be posted soon…

Illuminae Products Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is it normal that my Illuminae Amulets have minor scratches and dents?
Answer: It is common for your Consecrated Illuminae Amulets to have slight scratches and dents, as these can occur during the consecration process. I intentionally avoid using protective films or plastics during the process to ensure that the energy can fully penetrate the amulets. Plastics are known to interfere with and block energy flow, hence their exclusion from the process.

Question: Is it acceptable to wear or carry my Illuminae Amulet (Evil Eye + Abundance) to locations with high levels of negative energy?
Answer: All Illuminae Amulets released were carefully charged for 31 days using a method taught by Raziel and other angels, they are set not to absorb any energy that will interfere with their workings.

Question: Do I need to cleanse or charge my Illuminae Products?
Answer: The Illuminae amulets released don’t need cleansing as it was set not to absorb any energy, instead, they were set to give out energies to the wearer. They also don’t need to be charged, as they are connected to The Cosmic Source, they will recharge themselves automatically if necessary.

The Pele Ring seems to not absorb any malevolent energy as well due to the power of its engravings. So cleansing and charging are optional but absolutely not necessary.

Question: Is it okay to wear my Illuminae Products while swimming at the beach?
Answer: You may want to check if the amulet is made of stainless steel material as those materials are non-tarnish. However, the plating and the designs may be scratched or fade away due to exposure to chemicals, water, or physical activities. The design of Illuminae Amulets holds no significance to us and was just chosen due to aesthetic reasons, the energy is encapsulated in the general material of the pendant so even if the design gets scratched or the color fades away, it will still work as long as you didn’t lose it and you still wear it. While The Pele ring works due to the engravings scribed to it, if it is dented roughly to the point that you can no longer read the engravings it may no longer be as potent as before.

While salt water is known to cleanse the energies, Illuminae Amulets are directly connected to The Cosmic Source, so they will not run out of energy. It will just continuously recharge itself whenever needed.

Question: Is it okay to gift Illuminae Products to others? Can I order on behalf of them?
Answer: The amulet will automatically work for the one who wears it; even if you decide to pass your personal Illuminae Amulet to others it will have no issue and will work for the new wearer as the amulet is set not to absorb other’s energy but to give out its energy continuously to the person who wears it. For the Pele ring, know that it was not consecrated with anything as the engravings are already powerful enough so yes, you can gift it to others; if you choose to pass on your personal Pele ring, it’s best to cleanse it first.

You have the option to place orders on behalf of others as a gift. You can either enter their full name and address in the “Shipping Address” section during checkout or just hand it over to them once you receive the package. In each package, we include “Thank you” cards with a QR Code linking to this page that provides information on caring for the product, the Illuminae Products FAQs, and any additional rituals for their items, so be sure to give it to them as well for their reference.

Question: The Pele Ring’s gold plating has faded due to being exposed to chemicals but I see a white-silvery color?
Answer: Brass is color gold however for us to achieve a better and quality plating we have to coat the brass material with cupronickel tin which would look like silvery white in color.

Question: Are Illuminae Products available for resale, wholesale, and bulk orders?
Answer: Yes, you can request a quotation by emailing our distributors by archipelago at:

If you haven’t already joined, I would like to extend an invitation to join the Illuminae Round Table Facebook Group. This community offers a platform to share tips on Attunements, receive support on any Illuminae Products and Services I offer, and access the following freebies:
• Magick Boost Attunement
• Five Elements Attunement
• Free Group Access to Illuminae Servitor of Protection
• Free Group Access to Illuminae Servitor of Healing
• Free Group Access to Illuminae Servitor of Luck

Click the button below to join the Illuminae Round Table Facebook Group and head to the featured post section to access the freebies. Again, thanks for your support!

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