Angel Overlord Initiation gives you the power to generate a particular energy state within you that attracts what you want and repels what you don't want. Just like all the magick out there, this can manifest in unpredictable ways, but it will always bring your goals in a manner that will be for your own good.
Pedahiel overlords the quality of grandeur. The Quality of Grandeur embodies a sense of self-worth and respect, influencing how others perceive and value you. It's not about excessive pride but about exuding inner strength, which is palpable to those around you. Embracing this quality creates a magnetic energy that repels negativity and attracts positive attention. It enables you to cherish your accomplishments, leading to the pursuit of ambitious objectives that once seemed unattainable. When you require courage and steadiness to progress, this energy state provides the needed impetus. In competitive scenarios or industries, it enhances your chances of winning accolades and recognition for the endeavors that you put effort into.
This initiation was developed by Ana Lavín.
Why Our Attunement is Affordable
We offer an affordable attunement since we will not teach you in live or in real-team. Instead, you will learn through a Manual in the form of a PDF that will serve as your guide. Upon confirmation of payment, you can download the file immediately. The Manual includes a discussion of your chosen spirit's capabilities and the best techniques to use. Keep in mind that the manual serves as a starting point and not a limit to what you can do with it. We encourage you to be imaginative and experiment with the energy. If you have any questions about the attunement, we have an exclusive Facebook group: Illuminae Round Table that can offer support. Additionally, the energy and its powers are dynamic, and each individual's experience will be different.
How to Receive Your Initiation
In your Order Confirmation Email, you can select either booking an appointment for Remote Initiation or receiving it via Chi balls.
- Remote Initiation: The initiation process is remote, eliminating the need for in-person or virtual meetings. Home address isn't required. Three initiation levels (1, 2, 3) can be received individually or in one appointment.
- Chi Balls: If you cannot find a suitable time slot on the calendar, you can opt for initiation through Chi Balls. Three Energy balls will be sent within 3 business days, and you can activate them at your preferred time. Chi Balls are invisible energy spheres with no expiration date, allowing activation immediately or later.
Anonymous (Verified Client) –
very good if you have bosses or at least clients of creme ala creme that you want to gain favor from! along with Juptier pentacles. works great!