About Initiations or Attunements

What are Initiation and Attunements?

Spirit Initiation, attunement, empowerment are a real thing, this has been popularized by many respected occultists along the Western and European regions.

This is sort of like Reiki, if you haven’t heard of it, Reiki is a way of channeling energies around you through your body to induce healing or a shift within a person’s frequency; that’s exactly how Initiation works. But instead of healing energies around us, you directly channel the energy of your chosen spirit allowing you to wield the power that the chosen spirit is known for.

Think of it like a channel frequency (televisions), in order to view a specific channel of your favorite shows, you need an antenna or a cable subscription, right? Antenna and Cables directly connect you to the stations, right? Let’s just say that, once you get initiated or attuned to energy or spirit you get to access its power (channels), you can now directly connect to the stations (spirits/energy), and just like televisions you have the will to put its power on or off. It’s important to explain as well that you are not being possessed by the spirit or the energy, you just move its energy through your body like Reiki, and you manipulate that energy in any way you want depending on what you want to achieve with it. Basically, this is a direct magick, a new system of magick without needing any tools. This is not like what a medium does, there is no taking over of the body that’s going to happen.

Energy workers have channeled numerous types of energies over the years. When an individual is the first to channel a specific energy and align others with it, we commonly refer to them as the founder of that attunement. These founders often develop various attunements using diverse energies for various purposes. Many of these attunements stem from a specific energy form such as Reiki who’s founded by Mikao Usui. People have the ability to create attunements from any concept they choose, as every idea holds energy. These creations do not always originate from a specific spirit.

Usually, a spirit bestows its power upon an individual, often a leader, who then utilizes it to assist the community, group, or an order before passing it on to others. Alternatively, a solo practitioner may receive initiation directly from a spirit.

Difference of Initiations, Attunements, and Empowerments

Okay, let’s cut the confusion! Basically, in the world of energy workers, passing on energy to someone else so that they can channel it themselves is called an attunement. It’s like a mystical high-five, and all the fancy “attunements,” “initiations,” and “empowerments” are just different names for it. However, occultists like us find it important to separate the energies we are working with so here’s an explanation of the jargons.

Initiation is a common word in the esoteric community. We mean you can harness all the powers and abilities of a spirit by calling upon their energy, which means, literally… all the powers and abilities even if it is not recorded anywhere yet can be harnessed once you are initiated or attuned.

Empowerment refers to the ability to quickly summon a single power associated with a spirit(s). For instance, Parasite Protection is one such empowerment that summons the protective energy of Archangel Michael, Ambriel, Angel Shamsiel, and Goddess Kali. However, it is important to note that this is the only function of empowerment and you are not accessing the other powers of the spirits.

When we introduce attunements to Divine Names like YHVH, Boon of Life, and Manifest, it’s important to recognize that there may or may not be spirits employed in these attunement, it is a bundle of energy, so I decided to call it attunements. After the attunement, you access the raw energy and frequency that is emitted by the words or pronunciation itself as well as the spirits energy or their powers contributed to its working, so to separate we call it attunements.

Anyway… We may use the words initiation and attunements interchangeably from here and onwards for simplicity.

Illuminae Current and Lineage

A current is a tradition. It’s a perspective that views magick as an energy flow. At some point, individuals began following specific practices, creating a pathway for energy to flow, which is referred to as a current. It’s like this, right? The Illuminae Current? That’s my baby. I whipped it up. So, any kind of Initiation, Attunement, Empowerment you’ve gotten from Illuminae Current came from me. Now, you can have a bunch of people getting initiated with a spirit, for example, Raziel… But each one’s gonna have its own flavor, you know? That’s because the person who sets the intention to initiate another will have subtle difference so the energy itself will be heavily impacted by it.

Lineage is used in reiki, and as I always say, initiations, attunements, and empowerments that we offer are the same thing with Reiki. It’s some sort of Ancestral line of a tradition or current. There can only be one founder or creator of the energy in a current that is being passed down to the others (attunement/initiation rites). Illuminae Current will always come from Ana LavĂ­n so her name will be on top of the lineage, next in line would be YOU, if you choose to be initiated directly by Ana.

The Story Behind Us…

It was last year (2022) that I came across an advertisement for Spirit attunements by a Spanish mutual on Twitter. I ignored it because my current obsession at the time was Vedic Astrology and Reiki attunements, plus, it ain’t cheap, I was also a bit skeptical about it if it’s really possible.

Then year 2023, this year, Illuminae started… Stellar, one of my teammates in Illuminae brought back the topic to me and since I’ve finished some courses in Vedic Astrology, I got some vacant time and extra money to look into this again. I bought an attunement for a demon instead, yes, a spirit that has been villainized by people called demons, LOL! I have a knack for fucking around, I claim.
Going back, it’s Clauneck… Full transparency, I bought it from Jareth Tempest. So… Clauneck, known to give wealth. So I’m still skeptical about it and trynna see if I’m gonna be possessed, life would be fucked up, or it’s all bullshit, etc… But no, the spirit delivered, it’s been opening me up to a lot of opportunities in our family business since then, and no, my vitality and happiness are here with me forever glowing like a disco light, hahaha! And no I haven’t sold my soul. That’s crazy! Haha!

I know this is controversial to say and a lot of love and light people, or “exclusively” lightworkers will side-eye me; I literally don’t care if I will be canceled, I’ve met more Luciferians or mages who work with what people call “dark entities” who have a better attitude than the numbers of “exclusively light” who have hidden agendas in their practice (I’m not saying everyone). What I’m about to say is what I have uncovered from the ancient books.

But first, here’s my journey working with spirits… I and my cousins grew up in a strict Catholic tradition, I went to Catholic school from elementary all the way to Uni, so naturally… I am also scared fucking with topics near demons. I understand the fear of most people, I call it the shackles of fear by Religions. But hear my story out, I hope my story not only brings you enlightenment but will also feed your mind.

I only worked with Ancestors before but my attunement to Clauneck has been a catalyst for me to work with other spirits, I realized spirits are powerful! Full disclosure, my petitions usually were delivered within 24 Hours!

The thing is I want to have my own wave, my own lane, I tried to contact Archangel Raziel, though I don’t have an initiation for her, still I asked her “Please show me the way, I want to have my own lineage of initiation, my own… directly from the spirits”.

I had to do some inner work, it’s a lot but it’s worth it!

She gave me a list of books to read because even though I am using what people call demons… Due to my religious upbringing, there was a subconscious fear within me that I was going to hell or something haha!

So some of these are Maaseh Markabah, Keys of Solomon, 6th and 7th Book of Moses. I know that the current version of our Bible is a poor translation of Latin, and some pages were hidden. The list of books Archangel Raziel provided opened my eyes. Respected occultists already know this but for the sake of other people who are new to Spirituality and mysticism here’s what I have uncovered— Demons came from the Greek word “Deamon”, which means— a supernatural being between God and Man, an attendant to God. This is a general term for spirits by that I mean… any class, be it angels, deities, dragons, faes, etc. literally any class of spirits! The problem is that what we call demons nowadays are villainized spirits.

Lucifer and Satan are two different entities, Shat’an is King of Qlipoth, and Lucifer is a Latin word that is translated to “Morning Star”. Lucifer is an angel associated with Venus. Lucifer didn’t lose his job, he kept it. The light-bringer— brings light into the underworld, just like other stars do, due to the orbital movement of the Earth, obviously… Or maybe it’s a metaphor, that the underworld means here on Earth, the world under the divine plane.

It is said that demons are fallen angels, their job is to help us (Humans) to fulfill our earthly quests, and by helping us they come closer to divinity, the divinity is within us! Meanwhile, in another book, it is said that fallen angels don’t literally mean being cast out from the pearly gates of heaven because they have sinned, it’s a metaphor, that they were given a duty by God/The Divine/Source to descend (fallen) here on Earth to guide and help us, and that’s maybe why I feel like they are very Earthy Elemental Spirits. It was like when a parent (Source) is busy working on other things, the parent won’t leave the child (humans) alone but will get a babysitter. They are Cthonic spirits (Underworld spirits). Hades ain’t a villain for the Greeks.

Whichever of the two is correct, I don’t care, as long as I know that they are benevolent. Some people curated a ritual for demons and thought if they did it wrong they will be pissed and will attack. No, the shittiest ritual won’t work and that’s all!

King Solomon, yes, the one and only, employed both Fallen Angels and angels to assist him in his dwelling.
What people call “demons” and angels work together. That’s the truth! They are not at war! LOL!

Another thing, people ostracized occultists who work with what they call dark entities and when you say you work with angels, you are saintly with a halo on top of your head. This is actually not true! It depends on the intention of the mage!

After all the “technically” physical work and spiritual work, repeatedly asking her like an annoying toddler asking for a candy, still no answer, I have given up on creating my own attunements and thought “Maybe…. it isn’t for me” thinking of that repeatedly like a mantra, mindlessly scrolling and it’s like she directed me to the answer “how to create my own” it was a moment of epiphany for me, a surprise gift!

I want to openly credit the occultists to whom we bought attunements initially as we have gotten the idea from them. This wonderful idea of attunement/initiations/empowerment from the spirits is not our own idea, I will never claim that. And Archangel Raziel for showing me the way to have our own initiations, she first became my bridge to contact other spirits, and now finally, get attuned to the energy and frequency of spirits, us being able to create our own lineage for spirit initiations, such as Lucifer, Nitika, Melabed, etc.

Archangel Raziel will always hold a special place in my heart and that’s why I promised her the first spot launching the attunements! It’s because of her we’re now able to share the attunements with the public for an affordable price!

Let me just go back to dangerous spirits, mmkay? So if you ask me, why are there cases of possession, exorcism, etc.? Well, professionals in magick say that most are con acts, some mages are con artists, and most popular mages are both con artists and magicians. That’s why discernment is important. I always say this: “Be open to wisdom but be skeptical!”
You can be skeptical of me too! I laid out a few of my sources here that may lead you (if you open your eyes) to other sources I have or might not have. It’s up to you to find out if what is said here is true or am just cackling bullshit.

It’s true that some spirits are not benevolent. So here’s a basic list of what are dangerous:

  • Djinns: I haven’t worked with Djinns yet and have no plans of touching it professionally but I know from other people’s experience, that there are Celestial Djinns that would be pissed big time if you ask for something that they dread. I forgot the name of this particular Djinn but he is associated with Saturn, if you ask for love, he will go ballistic! Another class of djinns is also said to hate humans and would attack if they were conjured.
  • Spirits of the dead: Spirit of humans is said to be purified before they come back to the source, but energy can’t be created nor destroyed as said in most Reiki Classes, some spirits of the dead are full of hatred, pain, and etc. that part of them will stay here and will haunt the living, they will take their pain onto us. The most common manifestation of it: The ancestral/generational curse. That’s why it is important to work with Ancestors and heal generational curses.
  • Parasites: are entities that can take any shape or appearance of what you fear or spirits you want to work with. They will siphon your energy. Powerful parasites can cause possessions.
    a. They will take the form of an entity you fear so they can feed off your fear, and because some entities were villainized by religions such as demons, this has become popular to use by parasites too, to control you.
    Fear controls us, and that’s the subconscious work of parasites.
    b. Or they can take the shape of a spirit you want to work with, they can deliver at first but then they will siphon your energy, and vitality, and can result in possession.
    Both A and B can result in a drastic change in a person’s behavior and possessions.
    c. The not-so-powerful ones, they can just be there hanging around you, siphoning your energy, your luck, and happiness, sometimes they also induce memories that will trigger sadness or fear.
    Powerful ones can result in a drastic change in a person’s behavior and possessions. The less powerful ones can manifest as constant bad luck, lethargy, and sadness that can result in depression.
    Especially when you work with magick— magick and energy are real but as you work with divinities and energy, it’s like you open a neon light saying “Open for business” on top of your head, and parasites may come to you like a moth attracted to that neon light. Craving and drooling for that energy like how zombies are depicted in the movies! That’s why banishing, protections, learning to say “no”, and not succumbing to fear are important.

Illuminae will be launching several spirit attunements, which means several classes of spirits, we can guarantee attunements are safe to work with, you just work with them like you’re in a Team, and you won’t be an instant medium using initiations unless you already have the ability. Once you get initiated, you just start to channel your chosen spirit’s energy directly through your body and manipulate that energy in any way you see fit! Obviously, we won’t be touching initiations for Ancestors, Parasites (LOL). If you are interested, you can click the button below, there might be different spirits but they have identical powers, I would say just follow your intuition with whom you are called to work with! That’s all and have a magical journey ahead!

Additionally, if you want something that you can try first, free of charge, I would like to offer you the attunements to The 5 Elements and The Magick Boost Attunement, you can go to Illuminae Round Table FB group and see the instructions under the Group’s Featured Posts.

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